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The adventures of Mambo

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

Mambo woke up earlier than usual. For the first few minutes he thought he was still dreaming but then he realized his eyes were open. The sound outside was loud and striking. “It’s raining again”, he thought to himself.  The drops were falling on the window glass with so much strength that one would think they were passionate about what they were doing. “I wish I was as passionate about my job”, Mambo the lizard thought to himself again. The days were becoming shorter and shorter, darker and darker but the only positive thought in his head was that three more days left and then he was free. The holidays season was just around the corner and he could not wait to enjoy his ten days break. He was planning on taking his lizard wife and their three little wizard babies on holidays in South of France. They said Montpelier was very beautiful. 

With these thoughts in mind, Mambo was walking on the familiar trail to work, looking down on his feet as usual. He hated his job. He had to do the same and the same over and over every single day. Biking that bike to produce electricity in the town was not fun at all. But since the apocalyptic hit of that sea monster Godzilla, this was the only way to go for it and survive in their handmade town of Curagauag.


His office was just around the corner, when his eye caught something shiny on the ground. He stopped for a second to look down and there it was. A shinny metallic spoon was looking at him straight in all his three eyes. It was relatively big for a spoon and it had one round blue eye and one small curvy lip.


“Hello thing!” a voice came out of the object. “Could you help me please?” 

Mambo the lizard was shocked. “You can talk! What are you?”

“My name is Sirius, and I am the God of Nutrition and Healthy Foods”, squeaked the spoon. I am hiding from two bandits who are trying to use me for their dark purposes”. 

“Why are you hiding from them? Do they want to hurt you?” asked the lizard confused. 

“Yes, they want to use me to produce unlimited foods to their species. I could do this but the unlimited food will bring catastrophic consequences that might kill them all. But they don’t understand that”.

Sirius the Spoon didn’t even finish his sentence, when a huge blue sea turtle and a pink platypus caught Mambo’s eye. They were both standing on their two feet, rushing towards his way in a confident and stable pace. 

“Are the bandits by any way a turtle and a platypus?” Mambo asked.

“Huh? What are these words you are producing, thing?”- asked the Spoon confused. “I have still trouble understanding your language and vocabulary.”

Mambo lifted Sirius on his shoulder height towards the way the two creatures were coming. Sirius screamed! 

“I guess it is them.” 

Mambo didn’t think twice. He swallowed the spoon and continued marching towards work. The turtle and platypus were not close enough to see this so they continued their hunting elsewhere. 

Mambo the lizard liked eating spoons. It didn't matter whether they were Gods or just objects. The shinier, the more delicious they were. 

Mambo the lizard’s Monday was a bit brighter than most winter weekdays because his belly was full of a delicious spoon. 

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